I can confirm that after I change the container from webm to mkv (still VP9/OPUS codec), I can play it by Jellyfin Roku client without transcoding. We are changing the way that we determine whether a file needs transcoding, which hopefully resolve most of these issues, along with some subtitles issues that we still have. The result is a music backing track that I use to practice my music.
Each MP4 video contains a scrolling music lead sheet and audio that is synchronized with the video. MP4 format and stored them on a USB drive.

This is another quick fix that may work for you. Many users say that its in sync again and stays in sync after that. There is something odd going on when asking Roku if it can decode a container of type "webm". Roku Media Player playlists will not play my. If this is a very small but gradually increasing offset between audio and image, you can pause the video and start it back.